Grand Jury Education
Yale Law review, this mostly references federal grand jury that has been limited, State grand jury is much more powerful, because the states adopted the federal Constitution they must follow it’s law, people have a right to use whatever Constitution protects that rights the most.<>
Runaway grand jury , if the grand jury doesn’t do its own investigations without the direction of the government it’s not a constitutional grand jury
Grand jury’s constitutional design
Great legal definition of due process, Here in Niagara County the district attorney will illegally threaten somebody with a Grand jury indictment forcing them to make a plea deal even though the grand jury didn’t really charge the person with a crime.,+59+U.S.+272+(1856)&hl=en&as_sdt=3,33<,+59+U.S.+272+(1856)&hl=en&as_sdt=3,33>
In 1912 Ex jurors started this association because they knew the government was manipulating the grand jury and jury system, this was their first publication.<>
Thank you and God bless America
David Mongielo
My video Chanel